Manhwaga: KIM Yong Sun
Genre: Action/ Shoujo
Status: 7 volumes[/align]

Lee Seul is The Red Lion, a gang leader that single-handedly reformed the gang underworld before disappearing without a word. Now she has moved to a new school and promised her parents she won't get in any more trouble, but first she must learn to choose between her past life of fighting as Red Lion and her calmer life at the new school.
The plot mainly revolves around Lee Seul/Iseul's relationship with three of her classmates, and the gang wars that are sprouting up after her disappearance. The art and proportions can be off at times and the action scenes are spaced far apart, but Yong Sun Kim's art style is unique and she manages to keep the story going at an even pace.

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Red Lion ist Hot Blooded Woman irgendwie ähnlich
total lustig dieser manhwa