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  1. #2951
    Mitglied Avatar von Silver Kitsune
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    Zitat Zitat von Osamushi Beitrag anzeigen
    High School of the Dead
    Ah, endlich noch jemand dafür; danke ^^

    Zitat Zitat von Silver Kitsune Beitrag anzeigen
    >Highschool of the Dead
    Von Daisuke Satou und Shouj Satou, bis jetzt 2 Bände (Bd1 + Bd2), klassische Zombie Action, mit dem Gemetzel und dem Ecchi zwar Adult.

    Eigentlich war es für Rei und Takashi ein ganz normaler Highschooltag werden bis ihre Klassenkameraden und scheinbar auch der Rest der Welt bis auf einige Glücklichen von "Ihnen" infisziert wurden und zu menschenfressenden Zombis wurden. Jetzt heisst es Überleben, raus hier vor allem den Ursprung des Übels finden!
    Hmm, Braiiiiiiins~
    +Cover von Bd 3

    Sonstige Wünsche:
    >Haru Natsu Aki Fuyu

    Von Taishi Zaou und Eiki Eiki
    One-shot um 4 Päärchen an einer Mädchenschule: "Highschool Graffiti" gone Yuri! Sexy, wunderschön gezeichnet aber von allem urkomisch, ein würdiger Nachfolger von PuriPuri (den crossdressing weniger)

    Genre - Adult wegen nackigen Brüsten... (bei weitem aber nicht so "zur Sachen gehend" wie das gleichnamige Doujinshi der beiden Autorinnen xD )

    >Kaichou wa Maid-sama

    Von Fujiwara Hiro
    Die ober-strikte Schülervorsitzende Ayuzawa Misaki muss neben der Schule jobben um ihrer Mutter unter die Arme zu helfen... und ausgerechntet in einem "Maid-café". Das soll an der Schule natürlich niemand mitbekommen denn sonst wäre es aus mit Misakis Autorität... aber ausgerechnet läuft ihr Usui Takumi im Café über den Weg... obwohl die beiden gar nicht klarkommen, wird er das Geheimnis hüten können? *Pseudo-spannung von mir xD*

    Genre : shoujo
    Bandzahl: noch offen, bis jetzt 4 Bände
    Cover Bd1

    >07 Ghost

    Von Amamiya Yuki und Ichihara Yukino
    In einer Welt von Magie und Zauberei ist Teito Klein, ein ehemaliger Armee Sklave, Schüler an der elitistischen Militärschule vom Barsburg Empirium. Anhand von Fragmenten seiner Erinnerungen glaubt er ein Komplot in den höheren Instanzen des Militärs mitbekommen zu haben und muss fliehen, später gefolgt von seinem besten denn einzigen Freund Mikage. Sie landen in einer Nachbarpräfektur, die von dem clergy beherrscht wird. In einer Kirche wird er auf die Wächter dieser Welt, gefallene Todesgötter, die sogenannten "seven ghosts" aufmerksam gemacht...

    Fantasy + Uniforme + religiöse Symbolik + Bishies + Nanae Chrono-mässigen Style + spannendes Abenteuer und Mystik =
    Genre : shoujo-shounen
    Bandzahl: noch offen, bis jetzt 5 Bände
    07 Ghost

    >Midnight Secretary

    Von Tomu Oomi
    Wer hat behauptet Sekretärin zu sein wäre einfach? Ganz sicher nicht Kaya Satozuki die als Privatsekretärin des skrupellosen Firmenoberhaupt Kyouhei Touma nicht nur mit einem ganzen Stapel Akten, überladenem Stundenplan und verschobenen Meetings jonglieren, sondern auch mit der Tatsache klarkommen muss, dass ihr junger Boss ein Vampir ist...
    Genre: Hm Jôsei?
    Bandzahl: Noch offen; bis jetzt 3 Bände
    Cover Bd 1

    >Deep Love Quadrilogie:
    Ayu no Monogatari
    Reira no Unmei
    Pao no Monogatari

    Von Kurosawa Akijo
    3 Menschen und 1 Hund, eine Stadt, ein Schicksal: die Probleme um Drogen, Jugendprostitution, Aids und homlessness. Unter einander verbunden erzählen die Geschichten von je einem Chara, ihre Leben sich kreuzten und dann ihren eigenen Weg gingen; schockierend, alarmierend und gleichzeitig wunderschön.

    Genre- Definitiv Adult
    Bandzahl: 2x Ayu, 1xReira, 1x Host und 1x Pao
    Mangas zu verkaufen (50% vom NP):

    Gravitation 1-12, Cowboy Bebop Der Film (DVD),
    TRC/xxxHolic Der Film, Candidate for Goddess 1-5
    Ein melancholischer Morgen 1-5

    Bein Interesse bitte eine PN!

  2. #2952
    Mitglied Avatar von Ayumi-sama
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    Zitat Zitat von Silver Kitsune Beitrag anzeigen
    >Haru Natsu Aki Fuyu
    Von Taishi Zaou und Eiki Eiki
    dafür ^^
    und dazu bitte noch die 2 verbleibenen Taishi Zaou titel >______<
    (Aruji no Oose no mama ni und den anderen)

  3. #2953
    Mitglied Avatar von Seiji Sawamura
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    Ich Wünsche mir noch:

    Vampire Juuji Kai von Kyou Shirodaira und Yuri Kimura
    Verlag: Square Enix
    Genre: Action, Drama, Fantasy, Supernatural, Tragedy
    There is a legend that tells of how the world was almost destroyed thousands of years ago by the vampire queen after she unleashed her latent powers. Despite their efforts, the humans were unable to defeat her, and thus resorted to sealing her away until the time came that they would be powerful enough to destroy the seal and kill her. However, the humans are not the only ones after the seal. Having cast aside his kingdom and betraying his own race and the dhampirs (half-vampires), the vampire king is persistantly searching, even to this day, for where his queen has been sealed away so he may break the seal and free her before the humans do. Fearing that once the king and queen are reunited, they shall continue to destroy the world together, the humans and dhampirs hunt the king, using any method possible.

    von Seishi Kishimoto
    Verlag: Square Enix
    Genre: Action, Adventure, Shounen
    In the not too distant future, mankind battles over O-Parts, relics from an ancient civilization. It takes a special kind of person to unlock the full potential of these remnants from the past, and a unique breed of humans known as O.P.T.s (or O-Parts Tacticians) become a force to be reckoned with. Unfortunately, O-Parts can be used for good or evil purposes.
    Jio is a young boy with a tragic past who only trusts one thing in the world: money. Little does he suspect that he is actually a very powerful O.P.T., and inside him sleeps a demon of incredible ferocity. He meets up with a girl named Ruby, and together they decide to embark on a dangerous quest to discover as many O-Parts as they can. Will Jio help Ruby realize her dream of becoming a world famous treasure hunter? More importantly, will Ruby help Jio realize his dream of--world domination?!

    Soul Eater von Atsushi Ookubo
    Verlag: Square Enix
    Genre: Action, Comedy, Ecchi, Fantasy, Horror, Shounen, Supernatural
    Soul Eater is a funny manga about three shinigami students with their partners who can transform into weapons. They must train their weapons and eat 99 souls and a soul of a witch in order to be proper shinigami. It's a really funny manga with lots of lovable characters and fanservice.

    Seirei no Moribito von Kamui Fujiwara, Saki Futatsugi und Nahoko Uehashi
    Verlag: Square Enix
    Genre: Action, Fantasy, Shounen
    Once every 100 years, a Water Fairy implants an egg into a person who then becomes the Guardian of Fairies. This time, the responsibility falls on Chagum, the second prince of the New Yogo Kingdom.

    Chagum`s life isn`t easy. The king finds Chagum an inconvenience and attempts to have him killed. As a result, the queen asks a female guard, Balsa, to protect Chagum. In addition to this, beings from another world, known as Nayugu, constantly attack him in order to eat the egg carried in Chagumu`s body.

    Nagasarete Airantou von Takeshi Fujishiro
    Verlag: Square Enix
    Genre: Adventure, Comedy, Ecchi, Fantasy, Romance
    Ikuto Touhohin just had a last fight with his old man, one that led him to make a rash decision to run away from home. He boards a ship, deciding to take a vacation, but the ship is suddenly hit by a huge storm--one that sends Ikuto overboard! When he regains consciousness, he realizes he is still alive…on some island. An isolated island. An isolated island with nothing but girls. Stranded on an island with only girls, no electricity, gas, radio, television…like he was back in the stone age.

  4. #2954
    Mitglied Avatar von RinaChan
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    Ich wünsche mir DESIRE CLIMAX !! Original Titel Yokujou Climax vonAyane Ukyou


    Die Geschichte handelt von Mio Omoi, einem Mädchen aus relativ Armen Verhältnissen. Sie lebt mit ihrer Mutter (die allerdings permanent im Krankenhaus ist) und ihrem Bruder Hina in einem Haus was sich auf dem Grund und Boden der Jinnai Familie befindet. Die Jinnais sind sehr reich und angesehen. Der Sohn, der von allen nur liebevoll „Der Prinz“ genannt wird, ist sehr arrogant und ignorant...zumindest in Bezug auf Mio. Die restliche Welt ist hellauf begeistert von dem wohlerzogenen Prinzen.
    Da Mios Vater nicht mehr am Leben ist und ihre Mutter im Krankenhaus behandelt wird, muss Mio nach der Schule putzen gehen damit sie die Rechnungen zahlen kann, doch das Geld reicht hinten und vorne nicht. Eines Abends auf dem Weg nach Hause wird sie Zeuge einer Auseinandersetzung zwischen Jugendlichen...kurz zuvor war sie noch in Gedanken versunken und dachte daran,dass sie dringend Geld benötigt und ob es nicht wen gibt der ihr einfach welches geben könnte und schon schmeißt ein geheimnisvoller Typ mit dem Geld nur so um sich, in Folge dieser besagten Auseinandersetzung. Der Junge Mann, dessen Gesicht Mio in der Dunkelheit kaum sehen kann, erkennt die Situation schnell und stellt fest das Mio anscheinend so dringend Geld benötigt, dass sie um diese Uhrzeit noch einer Arbeit nachgeht. Daraufhin bekommt auch Mio von ihm Geld, jedoch nicht einfach so... mit der Aussage, sie würde somit ihm gehören, lässt er sie einfach stehen. Zuhause angekommen, macht sich wieder die Armut der Omois bemerkbar, denn schon zum zweiten Mal in diesem Jahr wurde der Strom aufgrund unbezahlter Rechnungen abgestellt, nun scheinen die Geldscheine umso verlockender zu sein die Mio gerade “verdient” hat. Doch während eines Gespräches mit Hina wird ihr klar, dass sie das Geld unter solchen Umständen nicht annehmen kann und beschliesst dem Unbekannten, das Geld wieder zurück zu geben. Doch das stellt sich als schwieriger heraus als im ersten Moment angenommen. Dieser Unbekannte ist nämlich der Prinz, der Sohn des Jinnai Oberhauptes und der sieht es gar nicht ein, sich das Geld von Mio wiedergeben zu lassen...

    Der Manga ist meines erachtens sehr spannend, denn es passiert so gut wie nie das was man als nächstes erwarten würde. Dadurch bleibt die Geschichte konstant spannend. Die Zeichnungen sind sehr schön, die Rasterfolie wird gekonnt eingesetzt und die Seitenaufteilung ist optimal.
    Geändert von RinaChan (22.12.2007 um 15:06 Uhr)

  5. #2955
    Mitglied Avatar von Ai-Chan
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    ich wünsch miaa
    Koi wo Kanaderu Kisetsu (Oneshot)
    Mangaka:YABUUCHI Yuu
    Genre:Romance, School Life, Shoujo
    --das is ne sammlung von oneshots insgesamt sind glaub ich 5 drin^^

  6. #2956
    Mitglied Avatar von Seiji Sawamura
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    Psychometrer Eiji von Yuma Ando und Masashi Asaki
    Verlag: Kodansha
    Genres: Drama, Mystery, Shounen, Supernatural
    He doesn't do well at school. He has no girlfriend. But he has never lost a fight. He is a typical high school delinquent. And his name is Eiji Asuma. True, he has special powers, but he keeps them to himself. You see, he can read incidents and memories from the past when he touches people or things. Yes, he has psychometric powers. Ryoko Shima, an expert profiler finds out about Eiji's powers and puts an end to his ordinary life as a high school student. Persuaded by Shima's charm, Eiji starts helping her investigation into an unsolved homicide. Further mysteries ensue.

  7. #2957
    Mitglied Avatar von Wild Life
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    Starship Operators von Ryo Mizuno und Takashi Naito
    Verlag: Media Works
    Magazin: Dengeki Daioh
    Bände: 2
    Genre: Drama, Military, Science Fiction, Space Opera, Shounen

    Allison von Keiichi Sigsawa und Hiroki Haruse
    Verlag: Media Works
    Magazin: Dengeki Comic Gao!
    Bände: 1
    Genre: Adventure, Shounen

    Alison is an adventure series set in a world divided down the center by a towering mountain range and a huge river. At the time the story begins (industry and technology are roughly equivalent to the 1930s in our world) the two cultures have been at war for hundreds of years. Alison, an air force pilot, and her childhood friend Will (pronounced Vill), who has a photographic memory, end up stealing an airplane and chasing some kidnappers across the river into the other country. Fortunately, they speak both languages...

  8. #2958
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    Zitat Zitat von Ai-Chan Beitrag anzeigen
    ich wünsch miaa
    Koi wo Kanaderu Kisetsu (Oneshot)
    Mangaka:YABUUCHI Yuu
    Genre:Romance, School Life, Shoujo
    --das is ne sammlung von oneshots insgesamt sind glaub ich 5 drin^^
    ahh wie geil YABUUCHI Yuu den muss ich habn wenner erscheint hier sind nochmal die 5 geschichten zu Koi wo Kanaderu Kisetsu

    1. Crescendo
    2. Mousou reijou
    3. Kokoro prisma
    4. Link ~ Kimi no tenohira ~
    5. Shinkuro Night


  9. #2959
    Mitglied Avatar von Wild Life
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    Rookies von Masanori Morita
    Verlag: Shueisha
    Magazin: Weekly Shonen Jump
    Erstauflage: 24 Bände; Neuauflage: zurzeit 7 Bände
    Genre: School Life, Shounen, Sports

    Professor Kawato is the new Japanese teacher in the ill-famed Futagotamaga high school, whose baseball club is composed by thugs and bullies who have been suspended for a year from all school competitions, for causing a brawl during an official match. Now that the suspension is over, the only club members left are only interested in women, smoking and doing nothing until, under professor Kawato guidance, they discover a new dream called Koshien. However, the road to Koshien is far from easy as many obstacles awaits them

  10. #2960
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    Kemeko DX von Masakazu Iwasaki (3 Bände)
    Verlag: Media Works
    Genre: Comedy, Ecchi
    10 years ago, high-school student Sanpeita dreamed he was engaged to a beautiful girl. One morning, an unknown homely girl suddenly pressed him for marriage. The homely girl was named Kemeko.
    In order to escape, Sanpeita left for school where Kemeko followed and showed up with an uproar. A larger disturbance was when Sanpeita was targeted by a rice cooker on the school's rooftop.
    As Sanpeita and his childhood friend Izumi were being attacked by the rice cooker, Kemeko saved them both. What is the girl's true shape!?

    Venus Versus Virus von Atsushi Suzumi (6 Bände)
    Verlag: Media Works
    Genre: Action, Adventure, Fantasy, Mystery, Shoujo Ai, Shounen
    Sumire Takahana is a seemingly normal school girl cursed with the ability to see malevolent ghosts known as "Viruses." Her life hits a crossroads after a run-in with a "gothic lolita" clad monster killer for hire, Lucia Nahashia. Not content to stay on the sidelines while these "Viruses" prey on the weak, Sumire reluctantly decides to join forces with the mysterious eyepatch-wearing Lucia to hunt down these "Viruses" before they can hurt anyone else.

    Stray Little Devil von Kotaro Mori (5 Bände)
    Verlag: Media Works
    Genre: Fantasy, Shounen
    Meet Pam Akumachi, an energetic 13-year-old junior high student who has just turned into ...a little devil! One day, when Pam and her friends try to summon the "benign devil," the magic circle goes out of control and Pam is transported to a strange pararell world where angels and devils reside in an uneasy coexistence.

    Dei Ecchi Ei von Rin Yuuki und Marika Tanimura (2 Bände)
    Verlag: Media Works
    Genre: Ecchi, Fantasy, Romance
    Ai Shiratori is your average junior high school student with a crush on a boy, Hikaru Kamishiro. With a love so rampant and true, and an imagination as wild as any girl's Ai sometimes has rather... ecchi dreams. But none of those dreams could ever prepare her for the reality that came to her in the form of the Archangel Raphael.

    You see, Hikaru Kamishiro is not your average boy. Hell has plans for him and Heaven isn't about to let those plans come to fruit. While Hell sends their Hell's Apostles to get Hikaru to commit the seven deadly sins and drag him into hell, Heaven sends their secret weapon: Ai. What is Ai's mission? Nothing short of consummating her love with her beloved Hikaru... but wait by consummating you mean... sex?! Can Ai handle the Archangel's request and save her true love?

    Kamichu! von Naruko Hanaharu, Hideyuki Kurata, Koji Masunari und Ochiai Tomonori (2 Bände)
    Verlag: Media Works
    Genre: Comedy, Drama, Romance, School Life, Seinen, Supernatural
    Yurie Hitotsubashi was just an average middle school student living in the city of Onomichi on Japan's inland sea. She spent her days worrying about exams and trying to get Kenji, the clueless boy she likes, to notice her. Then during lunch one day she suddenly announces to her friend Mitsue that she had become a goddess the night before. Their classmate Matsuri quickly latches on to Yurie's newfound divinity as a way to promote her family's financially struggling Shinto shrine. She hopes that in replacing Yashima-sama, their ineffective local god, with Yurie, it will make the shrine more popular. Now all Yurie has to do is figure out what she's supposed to do with her power.

    Dollgun von Ryusei Deguchi (9 Bände)
    Verlag: Akita Shoten
    Genre: Action, Adventure, Ecchi, Martial Arts, Shounen, Supernatural
    The day a young boy was born was the day that the legendary thief died. The many battles that revolve around the treasure left behind by him. Here, the curtains are pulled and the story starts.

    Muteki Kanban Musume von Jun Sadogawa (17 Bände)
    Verlag: Akita Shoten
    Genre: Action, Comedy, Shounen
    The poster girl for the Onimaru Ramen Shop is an attractive young woman - so long as she doesn't open her mouth! Miki Onimaru is rude, has a short attention span, throws up all over the place, and kicks everyone's butt with her very own Onimaru brand of martial arts! She may think she's helping the family business, but Miki's smart mouth and penchant for fighting has turned the restaurant into a magnet for disaster!

    Chaosic Rune von Kenji Yamamoto (8 Bände)
    Verlag: Akita Shoten
    Genre: Action, Drama, Ecchi, Mature, Shounen, Supernatural
    After being the only survivor in a plane crash and losing his parents Ryouga, a young boy, is troubled by nightmares and taunted by other kids at his school. Fed up, he agrees to transfer to another school intrigued by a mysterious offer and the hope they may know why or how he was able to survive the crash. Arriving at the new school, he learns he must play a little card game with three others before being card each, one vicious monster each, one gruesome death for all save one.

    Koi Koi 7 von Morishige
    Verlag: Akita Shoten
    Genre: Comedy, Ecchi, School Life, Sci-fi
    Tetsuro Tanaka is a month late starting high school due to an accident. As he's finally able to go, he's almost hit by a truck, but is saved by a mysterious girl who wears the same pendant as the one that his school has. He finds out that he's the only boy in his class and is instantly hated by his classmates except for a few. One girl is Yayoi Asuka, whose name Tetsuro is familiar with as it's the same name as a girl he knew when he was little. A few more girls get introduced, one being Sakuya Kazamatsuri. Yayoi reveals that she has superpowers and she takes him to his dorm, which she is going to share with him along with Sakuya, Miyabi Tsukuyomi, Akio Suzuka, Otome Chouno, Hifumi Inokai, and finally his teacher, Kano.

    Shounen Onmyouji
    Genre: Comedy, Fantasy, Historical, Supernatural
    Abe no Masahiro is the grandson of the great omnyouji Abe no Semei, who passed his teachings on to his grandson. Masahiro lost his sixth sense and the ability to see spirits, but with Mokkun as his guide, he works to become his grandfather's successor.

    Dragon Eye von Kairi Fujiyama (7 Bände)
    Verlag: Kodansha
    Genre: Action, Adventure, Shounen
    Ten years ago, a terrible virus swept the globe. It turned its victims into bloodthirsty monsters called Dracules, and the only cure is death. Now, with humankind on the brink of extinction, only the elite warriors of the Vius Squad stand between chaos and civilization. New recruit Leila Mikami is one of the squad’s most promising young warriors, but she has another agenda: Her parents were killed by a Dracule, and she’s determined to take revenge. To do this, she has to find the Dragon Eye - a magic weapon that will make her the most powerful warrior in the world.

    Pumpkin Scissors von Ryotaro Iwanaga (8 Bände)

    Verlag: Kodansha
    Genre: Action, Shounen

    The bitter war between the Empire and the Republic of Frost has ended, but three years after the cease-fire, the Empire is still ravaged by starvation and disease, and bandits terrorize the populace. Can the Imperial Army State Section III, aka Pumpkin Scissors, stop a renegade force with chemical weapons? And who is the mysterious stranger helping Pumpkin Scissors?

    Iinari! Aibration von Chizuna Nakajima (2 Bände)
    Verlag: Kadokawa Shoten
    Genre: Comedy, Ecchi, Romance
    Enter Shizukuishi, a pants-wetting girl that literally fell into the lap of a boy named Kouki Murakami while he was visiting a robot maid exposition with his love interest and apparently his sister as well, Kaoruko. Things start rolling the wrong direction after Kouki ends up licking Shizukuishi's urine (don't ask)! A thread of light appears from a mark on Kouki's right hand and connects to Shizukuishi. Kouki is seemingly able to control Shizukuishi's actions through the thread. But wait, Shizukuishi has a seal for an ancient destructive giant within her womb that causes her to become "strange" at times. Oh yeah, and nobody can have sex with Shizukuishi, or else the seal on the giant within her will be broken.

    Thus begins the strange story and juicy love comedy that is Iinari! Aibration.

    Ookami ga Kuru! GIB MIR SONNE von Hanamaru Nanto
    Verlag: Kadokawa Shoten
    Genre: Action, Comedy, Shounen, Supernatural
    In order to investigate the strange phenomenon occuring in Northern Bayern, Germany, the church (KIRCHE) have dispatched the slayer Sirius. He rescues a young woman, Beate, who was being attacked by zombies. However, as the two attempt to leave, they’re attacked by more zombies.

    TUBAME syndrome von Kotetsu Akane (7 Bände)
    Verlag: Kadokawa Shoten
    Genre: Comedy, Ecchi, Romance, Sci-fi, Shounen
    The story revolves around Taiga who doesn't have memories from more than two years ago after his parents died in an accident. He lives with his sister, Tsubame, who he finds out is from outer space with the job of protecting him as he posses the Origin Heart.

    Knights von Minoru Murao (4 Bände)
    Verlag: Media Works
    Genre: Adventure, Drama, Historical, Shounen
    Knights is a shonen manga tale about squire Mistletien, called 'Mist' for short. Taking place in a medieval world in which the church and her representatives are burning people en masse on suspicion of witchcraft, Mist and his organization are taking a stand against the church and the 'Saints' who are perpetuating the witch hunts. Mist is feared and hated by the village-folk because of his appearence, wearing a mask to disguise himself and going by the moniker 'The Black Knight.' He travels with Euphemia, a young girl who is as expert with mixing potions and poisons as Mist is with a sword.

  11. #2961
    Mitglied Avatar von Seiji Sawamura
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    Shion no Oh von Masaru Katori und Jiro Ando
    Verlag: Kodansha
    Genres: Drama, Mystery, Sports
    Ishiwatari Shion's parents were slaughtered at their home when she was just four years old. The killer didn't harm her but the shock made her lose her voice. She was then adopted by her neighbours; the Yasouka's who raised her as their only child. With help from her new father who is a professional shogi player, she learned how to play and master shogi at an early age. Now, at the age of 11, she is taking her first steps at competing in official shogi matches in order to reach the highest ranks in the game. Things don't go smoothly though because she begins to receive mysterious death threats as she advances through her matches in a stark reminder of her parents' murder incident when the only clue at the scene of the crime was a shogi board with all the pieces arranged in perfect order on top.

    Yume Tsukai von Riichi Ueshiba
    Verlag: Kodansha
    Genres: Fantasy, Supernatural
    An ordinary, quiet town is shaken by a series of bizarre happenings brought about by the darkness in human hearts. There are no solutions in the real world: Only "Dream Messengers" can find the answers. Dream messengers connect the fabulous with the real and control the power of dreams. Their leader, Toko Mishima, works with 8 other messengers using the powers given by an old spell and a toy made by Toko's father.

    Yugo von Shinji Makari und Shuu Akana
    Verlag: Kodansha
    Genres: Action, Adventure, Mature, Psychological, Seinen
    Yugo Beppu is a master negotiator and mediator. Fluency in five languages, Socratic wit, and a deep understanding of human nature combined with top-level international connections make him a formidable operator. When her father is seized by Dacoit bandits in Pakistan, Mayuko seeks Yugo's help. After complex and dangerous negotiations, he secures his release. After this success Yugo is called in to deal with yakuza in Japan, triads in Hong Kong, the IRA in Northern Ireland, and the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs in Siberia.

    Culdcept von Shinya Kaneko
    Verlag: Kodansha
    Genres: Adventure, Fantasy
    Najaran is a young woman who just happens to be an apprentice Cepter. Cepters have the power to summon creatures from magical cards. Once, these cards were collected in a book called the 'Culdcept.' During an ancient battle, the book was destroyed -- its cards scattered far and wide. Najaran's master gives her a dangerous mission -- she must obtain information about the Black Cepters and their nefarious plans. If the Black Cepters rebuild the Culdcept, the arcane book of ages past will grant them unspeakable God-like powers!

    ES (Eternal Sabbath) von Fuyumi Soryo
    Verlag: Kodansha
    Genres: Drama, Psychological
    Kujo Mine is a biomedical researcher whose life has been devoted to her career - to the extent that she has never had time to experience love. One day, she becomes a witness to a grisly murder, and finds herself captivated by a young man who passes by the incident, unaffected by the bloodshed. By chance, she learns more about him and discovers that he is far from ordinary. In fact, he isn't a normal human, at all...

    Love Lucky von Aki Katsu
    Verlag: Kodansha
    Genres: Comedy, Romance, Shounen
    Futa Kinashi, single, average salaryman. After being set up and cheated by two girls, he looked for help from a marriage arrangement agency. At a party held by the agency, he met a strange girl wearing sunglasses and a mask asking him for a date. Despite of her weird habit (she never took off her mask), their relationship went pretty well, and soon the couple fell in love and married secretly. On their first night together, she finally took off her mask and revealed her true identity: Kirari-chan, a beautiful pop idol (and Futa is her biggest fan), who has a secret wish: to get married with a man who doesn't love her beauty, money, or fame -- but her true self.

    Last Man von Tatsuya Egawa
    Verlag: Kodansha
    Genres: Drama, Horror, Science Fiction, Shounen, Supernatural
    Ai and Seigi Oomori discover an unconscious man on the street, but due to his complete state of amnesia, they are forced to give him a name, and they choose Makoto. Makoto exhibits superhuman strength but regains none of his memory. He is not embarrassed by his abilities at all, that is until he is attacked by a "Neo sapiens" spider woman working for a mysterious organization known only as Love & Peace.

    Amon von Go Nagai und Yu Kinutani
    Verlag: Kodansha
    Genres: Horror, Supernatural
    Fear runs rampant throughout Tokyo with the revelation that demons in fact exist amongst us. Paranoia and the darker side of humanity boils onto the streets as people turn on one another, suspecting that anyone could in fact be a demon hiding in human clothing. Amidst the growing tensions, tragedy strikes Akira causing his mind to snap, retreating into his subconscious, allowing his Devilish alter-ego Amon to break free from Akira's cage of flesh and wreak havoc on both human and demons alike.

    Nazo no Kanojo X von Riichi Ueshiba
    Verlag: Kodansha
    Genres: Comedy, Romance
    Was originally a one-shot in Afternoon in 2004 before it became a series in 2006.

    One day, a strange transfer student appears before Tsubaki. Urabe Mikoto is an antisocial girl, whose hobby is just sleeping during class-breaks. One day, Tsubaki goes to wake her up and accidentally tastes her drool... And gets hooked on that!

    After that, he starts going out with her and gets to know her better. Her second hobby, as it turns out, is carrying around scissors in her panties and cutting paper into flowers...

    Tokko von Tohru Fujisawa
    Genres: Horror, Police
    Shindo lives with his younger sister since they moved from Machida years ago. Recently, he graduated from cadet to the The Special Mobile Investigation Force to avenge his parents death. He has also been having recurring dreams of a girl for some time, but they are growing more frequent. She seems to be covered in blood holding a giant sword. Later that day, he sees her, wearing a police uniform. She is a member of Section 2, Special Public Safety Task Force, or Tokko for short. There are many rumors about Tokko, one of which is that they use swords to execute criminals. There are even rumors that they aren't even human.
    Shindou has just become a new investigator for Tokki: The Special Mobile Investigation Force. On the day of his graduation, he finally sees the half-naked girl that he had seen in his dreams in real life and finds out that she's part of Tokko: The Special Public Safety Task Force. Shindou ends up joining Tokko to avenge his parents' death whose bodies had been ripped to pieces...

    Air von Yukimaru Katsura
    Verlag: Kadokawa Shoten
    Genres: Drama, Fantasy, Romance
    Yukito Kunisaki is a man traveling Japan in search of the "girl in the sky". Eventually he makes his way to a sleepy seaside town where he meets a strange girl named Misuzu Kamio who has dreams of flying in the sky. During his stay in the town, Yukito meets other unique people and begins to learn more about Misuzu and the town she lives in.

    Shounen Mahoushi von Yuri Narushima
    Verlag: Shinshokan
    Genres: Shoujo, Supernatural
    A battle has broken out among rival sorcerers.

    The most nefarious group, the Necromancers, is killing young girls in Hong Kong to read the future in their entrails. Carno, a human youth raised by Aeromancers in a different dimension, is summoned back to his homeworld to join in the battle.

    Does Carno have what it takes to survive in a world of political alliances and emotional entanglements?

    DOROTHEA von Cuvie
    Verlag: Fujimi Shobo
    Genres: Drama, Fantasy, Shounen
    In the medieval town of Naudars, albino children hold a revered and protected status. Dorothea is one of these children and she has always wanted to see the world beyond her cloistered existence. When Naudars is attacked, all able-bodied men rise to defend their home. But Dorothea is prepared to defy tradition and enlist in the military. Like Joan of Arc, she must deal with the prejudices of those who are scandalized by the very existence of a young woman warrior. This spirited, sword-wielding girl has to defend herself from charges of witchcraft at the same time she's defending the land she loves.

    Edens BoWy von Kitsune Tennouji

    Verlag: Kadokawa Shoten
    Genres: Adventure, Fantasy, Shounen
    Yorn gazes up at two massive cities floating in the sky and dreams of discovering their mysteries. Without warning, those mysteries come looking for him. Edenic assassins murder his father and Yorn is next on the hit list. A nameless old man and a mysterious young girl help Yorn on his quest to find his long-lost mother and the truth. Known as the God Hunter, Yorn leads a race against the dark designs of the technological overlords.

    Zombie Fairy von Daisuke Torii
    Verlag: Flex Comix
    Genres: Supernatural
    In ZOMBIE FAIRY, a boy named Aoto brings a family heirloom — a coffin — to a Japanese TV show to determine its worth. Suddenly, a 400-year-old Chinese girl named Chun-Ai pops out of the coffin. In a trance-like state, she becomes violent and super-strong and trashes the studio. After she emerges from her trance and calms down, Aoto decides he has no choice but to bring her home, where his quirky family agrees to take her in. But they soon find themselves in over their heads — Chun-ai is quickly joined by a friend from the past, and then they find themselves in the middle of a deadly battle with a giant, raging tiger spirit.

    VARIANTE von Iqura Sugimoto
    Verlag:Fujimi Shobo
    Genres: Horror, Mystery, Supernatural
    A murderous entity controls the arm of an innocent girl in this new horror and suspense series presented in a new, larger format. After seeing her family slaughtered, Aiko is surprised to wake up on a laboratory table, apparently intact. But when she notices the horribly disfigured arm grafted onto her body, she soon realizes that life as she knew it before the attack is now over. Infused with the DNA of a mysterious monster known as Chimera, the arm acts on the urges of its master — leaving Aiko powerless to stop it. Alone and frightened, how will she deal with this horrible fate?

    ORFINA von Kitsune Tennouji
    Verlag:Kadokawa Shoten
    Genres: Fantasy
    A young girl must fulfill her destiny, with the future of a kingdom in the balance! When the forces of Granza attack Fana's homeland, she flees to nearby Cordia.

    There she encounters the King, who takes her under his care and introduces her to his daughter, the Princess Orfina. To the surprise of both girls, they share such a strong resemblance that they could be twins. A friendship quickly develops but is cut short when Granza attacks Cordia and the Princess is captured. Fana learns the shocking truth about their relationship and is thrust into the role of leading an army to victory!

    CHIKYU MISAKI von Iwahara Yuji
    Verlag:Kadokawa Shoten
    Genres: Mystery, Supernatural
    Schoolgirl Misaki Makishima has inherited the house that belonged to her maternal grandfather, in the remote town of Hohoro. Moving into the house with her klutzy widower father, she soon makes new friends - including one very unusual and not at all human friend.

  12. #2962
    Mitglied Avatar von ayu_angel
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    ich wünsch mir das hier:
    kamichama karin chu von Koge Donbo(bis jetzt 5 bände)

    Kon Kon Kokon von koge donbo(bis jetzt 1 band)

    Yoki Koto Kiku von koge donbo (1 band)

    Disgaea Manga

    the world of disgaea artbook

    Disgaea 2-Charakter Collection (artbook)

  13. #2963
    Mitglied Avatar von Wild Life
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    Alive von Adachitoka und Tadashi Kawashima
    Magazin: Monthly Shounen Magazine
    Genre: Horror, Mystery, Shounen, Supernatural
    A strange virus is making its way around the globe, causing its victims to commit suicide--and becoming a lethal pandemic in less than a week. Now a group of Tokyo teens who have survived the outbreak are wondering why they are still alive.

    High School of the Dead von Satou Daisuke und Shouji Satou
    Verlag: Kadokawa Shoten
    Magazin: Dragon Age
    Action, Adventure, Ecchi, Horror, Mature
    A mysterious, lethal disease is on the loose worldwide, resulting in a catastrophic death rate of humanity, and the increasing rise of attacks, caused by the living dead.

    In Japan, several high school students and a school nurse have banded together to escape Fujimi Private High School shortly after it was attacked by "them." The group now attempts to figure who or what was responsible for this plague, and in the meantime, attempt to survive the present apocalypse.

    Brave Story ~Shinsetsu~ von Miyuki Miyabe und Yoichiro Ono
    Verlag: Shinchosha
    Magazin: Comic Bunch
    Action, Fantasy, Shounen
    Wataru Mitani's life was as ordinary as any other until he found the new transfer student to his school battling a giant monster in his neighborhood. In search of clues to this, he finds a door to a world called Vision, a fantasy world where magic exists. When Wataru’s life starts to crumble around him, he embarks on a journey beyond the door to change the fate that has befallen his family.

    Pilgrim Jager von Mami Itoh und Tow Ubukata
    Verlag: Shonen Gahosha
    Magazin: Young King Ours
    Action, Adventure, Fantasy, Historical, Seinen
    Pilgrim Jäger is a historical fiction that takes place in Europe in the year 1521, at the time of the Protestant Reformation. The story follows two women, Adele the acrobat and Karin the fortuneteller. Afraid of being accused of witchcraft, they disguise their special powers, working as common performers (professionisti) to earn enough money to buy indulgences from the Catholic Church that will hopefully free them from their sins. However, their powers soon get them involved in a great religious battle involving the Medici family, the Este family, Girolamo Savonarola's "prophecies," and many others.

  14. #2964
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    katteni kaizou

    nach ner halben ewigkeit meld auch ich mich mal wieder zu wort.
    ich hab mal im internet n paar kapitel von katteni kaizou gelesen und lag am boden vor lachen. wär cool wenn das irgendwann doch mal auf den deutschen markt kommen könnte ^^

    Das Leben ist so schon schwer genug. Hör nicht auf andere sondern gehe deinen eigenen Weg, egal wohin er dich führt!

  15. #2965
    Mitglied Avatar von Seiji Sawamura
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    nach ner halben ewigkeit meld auch ich mich mal wieder zu wort.
    ich hab mal im internet n paar kapitel von katteni kaizou gelesen und lag am boden vor lachen. wär cool wenn das irgendwann doch mal auf den deutschen markt kommen könnte ^^
    Ich wäre auch noch für Katteni Kaizou

  16. #2966
    Mitglied Avatar von Spider Sniper
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    Das sind meine fünf Wünsche an EMA

    Ich wünsche mir diese fünf Manngas von ganzem Herzen von euch:

    Kakutou Bijin Wulong
    Autor: Yuugo Ishikawa
    Verlag: Shogakukan
    Bände: zurzeit 18
    Genres: Action, Martial Arts
    The lead character, Mao Ran, a person of Chinese origin born and raised in Japan, has been trained in the secret martial art of her family by her drunken lecherous grandfather. Her grandfather has promised her that he'll tell her what happened to her parents to encourage her to train and fight. Without her knowledge, her grandfather signs her up to participate in a televised martial arts competition between female martial artists known as "Prime Mat".

    Karakuri Circus
    Autor: Kazuhiro Fujita
    Verlag: Shogakukan
    Bände: 43 (abgeschlossen)
    Genres: Action, Comedy. Drama
    The protagonist, Masaru, has just inherited a big fortune after the death of his father. However, people are trying to get their hands on it by any means necessary, even if it means killing him. Narumi, helped Masaru from being kidnapped after fighting some weird guys. He found out that they're not humans but wooden puppets with amazing strength. After a hard fight, Narumi was forced to admit that he's no opponent for them, and just when he started to think that Masaru would be captured, Shirogane, Masaru's watcher who arrived from France with a weapon, the puppet Arlequin. Here, begins the story of Karakuri Circus.

    Majin Senki Ma-gun
    Autoren: Kan Hatsumoto und Satoru Akahori (Autor von Mouse)
    Verlag: Hakusensha
    Bände: zurzeit 4
    Genres: Action

    Shokugyo Koroshiya
    Autoren: Hideaki Nishikawa
    Verlag: Hakusensha
    Bände: zurzeit 10
    Genres: Adventure, Comedy, Horror, Mature
    Enter Shokugyo Koroshiya, an underground website that allows hired killers to bid for the lowest amount to take the paying job that they want. Kumo, the top killer of the agency must keep killing to keep a memory hidden. While he continues to kill, along with Megumi the Mantis, and KEI, the 14 year old owner of the website, what dangers await him and the rest of the team at Shokugyo Koroshiya.

    Kunimitsu no Matsuri
    Autoren: Yuma Ando und Masashi Asaki
    Verlag: Kodansha
    Bände: 27 (abgeschlossen)
    Genres: Comedy, Shounen

    Es wäre super toll wenn ihr diese fünf in euer Programm aufnehmen könntet. Diese fünf Mangas sind wirklich super tolle Mangas! Und die fünf würden euer Programm bestimmt super bereichern.

  17. #2967
    Mitglied Avatar von Aya-tan
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    Sweet Revenge von TAKASE Ryo (OneShot)
    Verlag: Kodansha
    Genre: Drama Romance Shoujo
    Sara is filled with anger whenever a picture of Don-ya-ye's new model appears, because he made a mistake and a model she knew was injured badly.
    Don-ya-ye, not only does he control the camera, but his models as well, by making them fall in love with him.
    Sara will try to get revenge, a sweet revenge by getting as close to him as possible.

    Crash! von Fujiwara Yuka (bisher 1 Band)
    Verlag: Shueisha
    Genre: Shoujo
    Crash is about a girl named Hana who has a very unusual gift. Her home is a talent agency and she helps her mother using her "gift".
    She literally has nosebleeds when she sees someone with celebrity potential.
    Naturally, this is a secret she keeps from her classmates. On the company's anniversary, Hana is sent to find a new awesome talent. And that's when the story unfolds...

    S.P.Y. von UKYOU Ayane (bisher 2 Bände)
    Verlag: Shueisha
    Genre: Drama Romance School Life Shoujo Smut Sports
    In search of her mother, Nagi, a girl from a desolate country village, comes to a big city and enters Swimming Suieikyou High School. Shortly after joining the swimming club, Nagi finds out that the pool is actually completely overtaken by boys! But in this never-practicing so-called swimming club Nagi finds something...

    Shinigami Lovers von YUUKI Ryou (2 Bände)
    Verlag: Shueisha
    Genre: Drama Fantasy Romance School Life Shoujo Supernatural
    Onda Miku was just a regular high school girl who loves nails. But suddenly, she got into a terrible accident, and the shinigami (death god) Sei fastened his chain of death onto her wrist! Sei may be hot, but he is a bit scary. Being tied together with him, just what kind of fate awaits Miku!?

    Minami no Jewel von SETO Yuuna (OneShot)
    Verlag: Shueisha
    Genre: Romance Shoujo Sports
    Hisui used to live on Kohaku Island, where she lived by the ocean and loved life. However, she's changing schools and thus has to leave her best friend, Kairi the dolphin, behind... It's at that time, Hisui meets the swim team's hot Minato by chance...! Could this be a blooming love for the attractive boy, or a replacement for her dolphin Kairi?

    Let's Get Married! von MIZUKAMI Wataru (4 Bände)
    Verlag: Kodansha
    Genre: Drama Romance Shoujo
    Touko has always heard stories about her dead grandfather and his lover and wishes to one day find a love like theirs. However, this dream is suddenly crushed as her grandfather's lover shows and forces Touko to take on her two grandsons as fiancés!

    Love Pop von Kim Su Yeon (bisher 4 Bände)
    Genre: Comedy Romance School Life Shoujo
    Soda and Sukhee has known each other since they were little. Soda was the "hero" of the local kids, famous for her flying chicken attack. While Sukhee was the new kid in town who tried to take over the playground and ended up getting a good beating from Soda. What really is the fate between these two as Sukhee challenge Soda to a fight each and everyday?

    Trill on Eden von FUJITA Maki (bisher 2 Bände)
    Verlag: Akita Shoten
    Genre: Drama Romance School Life Shoujo
    Admitting herself as super unlucky person, Ritsu, freshman in high school, tries to get out of unluckiness and disasters by living in the school dorms and starting fresh. However, with her destined meeting with school's famous genius as well as problematic student Eiri, Ritsu starts to get unluckier everyday....!?

    di[e]ce von Yamamoto Kana/ Saki Otoo (bisher 1 Band)
    Verlag: Ichijinsha
    Genre: Shounen
    Naruse Kazuki and Koutake Haruki are on the advanced track of Seitoukou Academy. Though they are not connected by blood, these two whose faces are so similar coincidentally have their 16th birthdays on November 11th. However, on that fateful anniversary, the cogs of fate have begun to turn. A game involving both their destinies has now begun!

    Megane Ouji von MIZUKAMI Wataru (bisher 1 Band)
    Verlag: Kodansha
    Genre: Comedy Romance Shoujo
    The day Sachiko confesses her love to Masuda-senpai is the day she discovers that she'll be living with him from now on! After being rejected, how will Sachi deal with living with Masuda-senpai? Not to mention his double personality!

    7 Seeds/ Aku no Kyouten/ All Out!!/ Amatsuki/ Dendrobates/ Dolls/ Fukushuu o Koinegau Saikyou Yuusha wa, Yami no Chikara de Senmetsu Musou Suru/ Gold/ Hare Kon./ Husk of Eden/ Ichi/ Ilegenes/ Juuza Engi/ Kami no Shizuku/ Kurosagi Shitai Takuhaibin/ Mother Keeper/ Musashi #9/ Ouroboros/ Shimauma/ Shounen Mahoushi/ Silver/ Taimashin: The Red Spider Exorcist/ The Embalmer/ Your Throne

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    Kamichama Karin Chu !!!!!!!!!!!1

    aah ich wünsche mir soo sehnlich, dass kamichama karin chu von koge-donbo
    in deutschland rauskommt!!!

  19. #2969
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    Zitat Zitat von Kunoichi Beitrag anzeigen
    ahh wie geil YABUUCHI Yuu den muss ich habn wenner erscheint hier sind nochmal die 5 geschichten zu Koi wo Kanaderu Kisetsu

    1. Crescendo
    2. Mousou reijou
    3. Kokoro prisma
    4. Link ~ Kimi no tenohira ~
    5. Shinkuro Night


    alle guten dinge sind drei, ich bin DAFÜR!!

  20. #2970
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    Die deutsche Neuauflage von KKJ :<
    (Jeanne die Kamikaze diebin)

  21. #2971
    Mitglied Avatar von AnotherWish
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    Zitat Zitat von Silver Kitsune Beitrag anzeigen

    >Haru Natsu Aki Fuyu

    Von Taishi Zaou und Eiki Eiki

    Ich wünsche mir DESIRE CLIMAX !! Original Titel Yokujou Climax vonAyane Ukyou

    Für die bin ich auch ganz doll

  22. #2972
    Junior Mitglied Avatar von sabiness
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    Jetzt, wo "Nana" so selten erscheint und der letzte Band von "Im letzten Viertel des Mondes" kommt muss unbedingt ein Ersatz her! Ich finde, wir brauchen noch mehr Mangas von Ai Yazawa! Und ich schlage Tenshi Nanka Ja Nai vor. Ich habe die ersten paar Kapitel gelesen und sie machen genau so süchtig, wie die anderen Yazawa-Mangas auch. Der darf uns au keinen Fall vorenthalten werden!

  23. #2973
    Mitglied Avatar von takinaga
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    Zitat Zitat von sabiness Beitrag anzeigen
    Jetzt, wo "Nana" so selten erscheint und der letzte Band von "Im letzten Viertel des Mondes" kommt muss unbedingt ein Ersatz her! Ich finde, wir brauchen noch mehr Mangas von Ai Yazawa! Und ich schlage Tenshi Nanka Ja Nai vor. Ich habe die ersten paar Kapitel gelesen und sie machen genau so süchtig, wie die anderen Yazawa-Mangas auch. Der darf uns au keinen Fall vorenthalten werden!
    Genau das denke ich auch!!
    Eine Ai Yazawa-freie Zeit ist eine schlechte Zeit.

  24. #2974
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    Zitat Zitat von Taria Beitrag anzeigen

    S.P.Y. von UKYOU Ayane (bisher 2 Bände)
    Verlag: Shueisha

    Love Pop von Kim Su Yeon (bisher 4 Bände)

    Trill on Eden von FUJITA Maki (bisher 2 Bände)
    Verlag: Akita Shoten
    Für diese und Kamichama Karin Chu bin ich auf jedenfall dabei!!!

  25. #2975
    Mitglied Avatar von Wild Life
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    Majin Senki Ma-gun von Kan Hatsumoto und Satoru Akahori
    Verlag: Hakusensha
    Bände: 4
    Magazin: Young Animal
    Genre: Action

    Shokugyo Koroshiya von Hideaki Nishikawa

    Verlag: Hakusensha
    Bände: 11
    Magazin: Young Animal
    Genre: Adventure, Comedy, Horror, Mature

    Enter Shokugyo Koroshiya, an underground website that allows hired killers to bid for the lowest amount to take the paying job that they want. Kumo, the top killer of the agency must keep killing to keep a memory hidden. While he continues to kill, along with Megumi the Mantis, and KEI, the 14 year old owner of the website, what dangers await him and the rest of the team at Shokugyo Koroshiya.

    Pilgrim Jager von Tow Ubukata und Mami Itoh
    Verlag: Shonen Gahosha
    Bände: 6
    Magazin: Young King Ours
    Genre: Action, Adventure, Fantasy, Historical, Seinen

    Pilgrim Jäger is a historical fiction that takes place in Europe in the year 1521, at the time of the Protestant Reformation. The story follows two women, Adele the acrobat and Karin the fortuneteller. Afraid of being accused of witchcraft, they disguise their special powers, working as common performers (professionisti) to earn enough money to buy indulgences from the Catholic Church that will hopefully free them from their sins. However, their powers soon get them involved in a great religious battle involving the Medici family, the Este family, Girolamo Savonarola's "prophecies," and many others.

    Reiko the Zombie Shop von Rei Mikamoto
    Verlag: Bunkasha
    Bände: 11
    Magazin: Horror M
    Genre: Horror

    Terror has struck the sleepy little town of Shiraike. A serial killer stalks the streets murdering innocent girls. Twenty-nine grisly murders have been committed, with no clues to catch the killer. That is, until the town receives a strange visitor: a beautiful young woman who can raise the dead. She is Reiko the Zombie Shop, necromancer for hire. For a price, she'll wake your dead, if only to find a clue to their demise, but she's not responsible for what the dead will say or do once they awaken!

    Dragon Eye von Kairi Fujiyama
    Verlag: Kodansha
    Bände: 8
    Magazin: Sirius
    Genre: Action, Adventure, Shounen

    Ten years ago, a terrible virus swept the globe. It turned its victims into bloodthirsty monsters called Dracules, and the only cure is death. Now, with humankind on the brink of extinction, only the elite warriors of the Vius Squad stand between chaos and civilization. New recruit Leila Mikami is one of the squad’s most promising young warriors, but she has another agenda: Her parents were killed by a Dracule, and she’s determined to take revenge. To do this, she has to find the Dragon Eye - a magic weapon that will make her the most powerful warrior in the world.

    Brave Story ~Shinsetsu~ von Miyuki Miyabe und Yoichiro Ono
    Verlag: Shinchosha
    Bände: 18
    Magazin: Comic Bunch
    Genre: Action, Fantasy, Shounen

    Wataru Mitani's life was as ordinary as any other until he found the new transfer student to his school battling a giant monster in his neighborhood. In search of clues to this, he finds a door to a world called Vision, a fantasy world where magic exists. When Wataru’s life starts to crumble around him, he embarks on a journey beyond the door to change the fate that has befallen his family.

    Alive von Adachitoka und Tadashi Kawashima
    Verlag: Kodansha
    Bände: 13
    Magazin: Monthly Shounen Magazine
    Genre: Horror, Mystery, Shounen, Supernatural

    A high schooler named Taisuke Kanou is living with his older sister, Youko, after the death of his parents. He lives a relatively quiet life until a massive surge of suicides around the world known as the "Nightmare Week" begins.

    From that moment on, weird phenomena begin to occur around Taisuke. He is victim of space travelling illusions. He sees a smiling girl who jumps to her death from atop a building. His best friend, Hirose, is framed for murder. His classmates are killing themselves for no apparent reason. Furthermore, the police always seem to keep an eye on Taisuke while investigating Hirose's case. At the same time, a psychotic murderer appears, and he sees our protagonist as his "comrade". Will Taisuke succumb to all of these crazy incidents? Or will he be able to someday return to his old peaceful lifestyle that he yearns for?

    Kamunagara von Hajime Yamamura
    Verlag: Shonen Gahosha
    Bände: 11
    Magazin: Young King Ours
    Genre: Action, Adventure, Seinen, Supernatural

    Kugaya is a teenager who lives with his aunt, Sakuri.
    The kendo coach at his high school, Narugami, has been after him to join the kendo team; but when he meets the new girl, Takemi, his life takes a supernatural turn and he is thrust into an epic battle with the demonic "Intruders".
    Reincarnation... buried memories... the Holy Sword... "Himuka"... and the Clan of the Swordsmen... it's all too much for a high school student to bear

    Princess Resurrection von Yasunori Mitsunaga
    Verlag: Kodansha
    Bände: 6
    Magazin: Sirius
    Genre: Action, Comedy, Fantasy, Horror, Shounen, Supernatural

    Werewolves, demons, monsters, vampires. All these ferocious creatures are afraid of the same thing: the beautiful Princess Hime, an awesome warrior who fights off the forces of evil with a chainsaw and a smile. Not only does she look great in a tiara, she has power that allows her to raise the dead. She’s a girl on a mission, and with the help of her undead servant and a supercute robot, there’s no creature of darkness she can’t take down!

    Koroshiya Menkichi von Jun Tomisawa
    Verlag: Shinchosha
    Bände: 5
    Magazin: Comic Bunch
    Genre: Shounen, Ecchi

    Kasai Chousakan Nanase von Izou Hashimoto
    Verlag: Shinchosha
    Bände: 7
    Magazin: Comic Bunch
    Genre: Shounen

    Wakusei no Samidare von Satoshi Mizukami
    Verlag: Shonen Gahosha
    Bände: 3
    Magazin: Young King
    Genre: Comedy

    Eiken von Seiji Matsuyama
    Verlag: Akita Shoten
    Bände: 18
    Magazin: Shonen Champion
    Genre: Comedy, Ecchi, School Life

    Zashono Academy is unique in all the world. It has 54,000 students and this allows for some VERY specialized clubs. There are clubs for just about everything you can think of... and then there's the Eiken club. No one seems to know just what it's about, but they do know that it's filled with some of the most bodacious babes ever to be brought together! ...and then there's Densuke. Densuke is a little awkward and clumsy and he always seems to be in the most compromising positions with all the other club members. And all he really wants is to be with the cutest girl on campus, the lovely Chiharu. Will he ever be able to get away from the uncomfortable club activities and let Chiharu know what's really on his mind?

    Love Junkies von Kyo Hatsuki
    Verlag: Akita Shoten
    Bände: 23
    Magazin: Young Champion
    Genre: Adult, Comedy, Drama, Ecchi, Mature, Romance, Seinen

    Eitaro is hooked to the erotic chats... Someone steals Sakuko's lingerie... Ai is determined to lose her virginity... Everybody is hooked on love... or is it to sex?!

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    Verlag: Akita Shoten
    Bände: 6
    Magazin: ?????
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    World Embryo von Daisuke Moriyama
    Verlag: Shonen Gahosha
    Bände: 3
    Magazin: Young King Ours
    Genre: Action, Horror, Seinen, Supernatural

    A deadly virus is spreading across mankind, turning humans into gruesome monsters known as ‘Kanshu'. Yet no one knows of their existence, except for the organisation called ‘F.L.A.G.', dedicated to hunting down and destroying the source of the infection. Its members possess extraordinary powers, capable of unleashing righteous fury on their enemies.

    One day, a cell phone message from a dead relative leads estranged youth Riku Amami unwittingly into the conflict between F.L.A.G. and Kanshu - and to a mysterious cocoon that would change his life forever, for better or worse…
    Geändert von Wild Life (05.01.2008 um 19:26 Uhr)

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